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Programs in Scouting

Leadership, Learning, and Fun!

High Adventure Trips

Troop 107 strives to be active on a regular basis in order to make the most out of each of these brief years of boyhood.  From camping trips, hiking, and kayaking to longer and more involved trips to places like Philmont and Seabase, we make sure to provide our scouts plenty of opportunities for adventure.

Leadership Development

One of the core philosophies of scouting is that boys become men, and need to develop the tools in their toolbox to handle life's toughest challenges.  This means they need the leadership skills to lead families, businesses, teams, and so on.  That is why every troop meeting is lead by the boys, and many of the activities involve teaching an older boy how to complete a task so that he can teach/train the younger scouts how to do the same.  

Skills, Trades, Hobbies

Through completion of merit badges, scouts learn a variety of skills they can apply throughout their lives.  There are many stories of scouts who have gone on to make a career (and often become the leader in their field) after being introduced through Boy Scout.  Scouts will complete merit badges at troop meetings, summer camps, and events such as Merit Badge Challenge

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